GROW Your Law Firm

Your Law Firm Has History, A Brand To Be Protected While Reaching The Right People at the Right Time. You Need The Best Digital Marketing Team For Lawyers to Compete & Grow; You Don't Need to Have More Employees on the Sheet. The Langley Group Partners with Select Firms Working For You to Grow Your Firm Like An In-house Team Would.

Inbound Marketing

Also Known as “Non-Interruptive Marketing, people visit your site empowered because “They Found You”. Trust is established as you provided quality information they can use. A great way to start a relationship.

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Traffic from the search engines and local maps is essential to any business.

Social Media Ads

Multi Faceted Long, and short, term benefits with proper strategies.

Newsletter Emails

Retain clients and stay with them during their purchasing decision process.

Garner Testimonials

Attaining reviews is one of the lowest cost boost to your business.


Outbound Marketing

A Game Changer in Advertising, reach the people of your exact target audience and place ads, banners, or videos wherever they are on the web. This level of targeting your demographic makes paying for strategic advertising viable. We can track results and spend in real time and learn viable information about your target audience.

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Get in front of people searching for your business online.


Bring back visitors to your website who did not convert the first time.

Call Tracking

Are your ads working. How are the people calling finding you?

Social Media

Paid ads on social media can be very effective and cost friendly.

Ad Cost ROI Website Leads


We can track and report your ROI in real time available 24/7 on desktop and mobile devices. Cutting edge custom analytic solutions can clearly provide the “Bottom-Line” data you need to know.

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Custom Dashboards

Bottom Line Analytics plus any KPI’s requested.

Realtime Updates

No waiting 24 hours, get up to the minute data.

24/7 Availability

Access your reports any day or time, day or night.

Ease of Use

Bottom Line Analytics. Not Confusing Metrics


Web Development

Conversion oriented website design considers the User Experience while creating a conversion funnel guiding visitors toward your goals. Websites are not simply high tech business cards, When done right they are active lead generators working 24/7 on your behalf.

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Conversion Oriented

Built in conversions funnels guide users to convert to clients.

Lightning Fast

Load Time is imperative, No one waits for slow websites.


A must in todays World. Secure, Up to date, and backed up.

Custom Built

For your business and employees.

Quality Code

Google Knows what your code looks like, We take pride in clean code.

Reliable Hosting

Dedicated hosting and SSL ensure your site is fast and secure.


Conversion and UX are the most important aspects of any website.

Built to Grow

Our sites are built to grow and scale with your business.

Our Clients

Our Clients Have Said

Mark is a genius at his profession. He also has great integrity. He took our website from "never visited" to a main attraction. He is a good person who never forgets his clients/customers and is always thinking of ways to improve his client's internet presence. You will not be disappointed if you hire Mark, and it is money well spent.

David Fessler Fessler, Schneider, & Grimme LLP

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